Contributions by
Rachel Blum, Clyde Wilcox Georgetown University, Christine A. Gustafson, Christopher Marsh Baylor University, Elizabeth A. Oldmixon, Rebekah Samaniego, Ramazan Kilinç University of Nebraska, Scott Hibbard, Paul Christopher Manuel Georgetown University, J. Christopher Soper, Joel S. Fetzer, Michele Dillon University of New Hampshire; coauthor of American Catholics in Transition Edited by
Mehran Tamadonfar University of Nevada, Las, Ted G. Jelen University of Nevada, Las
Edited by
Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom University of California, Greg Grandin New York University, Lynn Hunt, Marilyn B. Young author of The Vietnam Wars, 19451990
Contributions by
Graham Barron, John M. Bruce, Elizabeth Adell Cook, Keith R. Eakins, Ted G. Jelen University of Nevada, Las, James G. Gimpel, Marcia L. Godwin, David R. Harding, Lael R. Keiser, Diana Lambert, Wendy L. Martinek, Samuel C. Patterson, Kenneth J. Meier, Karen O'Connor, Mark J. Rozell author; The New Politics of the Old South: An Introduction to Southern Poli, Ronald G. Shaiko, Jean Reith Schroedel, William Swinford, Marc A. Wallace, Harry L. Wilson, Robin M. Wolpert Edited by
John M. Bruce, Clyde Wilcox Georgetown University
Contributions by
Luis A. Camacho, Colin H. Campbell, David A. Crocker, Eleonora Curlo, Herman E. Daly, Eliezer Diamond, Robert Goodland, Allen L. Hammond, Nathan Keyfitz, Robert E. Lane, Judith Lichtenberg, David Luban, James A. Nash, Martha C. Nussbaum, ThomasW Pogge, Mark Sagoff Institute of Philosophy and Public Policy, University of Maryland, Juliet B. Schor Boston College, Michael Schudson Columbia University, Jerome M. Segal, Amartya Sen Nobel Prize Laureate in E, Alan Strudler, Paul L. Wachtel distinguished professor of psychology, City University of New York at City, Paul E. Waggoner, David Wasserman, Charles K. Wilber Edited by
David A. Crocker, Toby Linden
Contributions by
Allan Arkush professor of Judaic Studies and History, Binghamton University, Jeremy D. Bailey professor of political sc, Fred Baumann, Alice Behnegar, Nasser Behnegar, David Biale, Mark Blitz, Henry C. Clark, Dean DiSpalatro, Robert Faulkner Boston College, Brian J. Glenn, Ryan Hanley, Jeffrey L. High, David Janssens Tilburg University, Ralph Lerner University of Chicago, Christopher Lynch, Rafael Major University of North Texas, Svetozar Minkov, Andrea Radasanu, Paul A. Rahe Hillsdale College, John T. Scott, Susan Meld Shell, Benjamin Storey, George Thomas, Friederike von Schwerin-High, Andre Wakefield Edited by
Christopher Nadon
Contributions by
Barbara Adam, Wendell Bell, Michael Burawoy, Stephen Cornell, Michael DeCesare, Sean Elias, Lee McPhail, Frank Furedi, Herbert J. Gans Robert S. Lynd Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Columbia University; author, Norval D. Glenn, John Hagan, Ruth Horowitz New York University and a, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann Wilfrid Laurier Universit, Lina Hu, Robert Kleidman, Elizabeth Dermody Leonard, Damon Mayrl, Bill McCarthy, Raymond A. Morrow, Jennifer Mueller, Lawrence T. Nichols editor of The American Sociologist, Samuel P. Oliner, Pamela E. Oliver, Caroline Hodges Persell, Saskia Sassen author of The Global City, Edward A. Tiryakian Duke University, Laurel Westbrook Edited by
Vincent Jeffries
Contributions by
Edwin Black, Jason Edward Black University of North Carol, Dana L. Cloud, Celeste M. Condit, J. Michael Hogan Penn State, Andrew A. King Louisiana State Universit, Ryan Erik McGeough, Raymie E. McKerrow, Martin J. Medhurst, Ned O'Gorman, Samantha M. Senda-Cook, Robert E. Terrill Indiana University, Bloom, Kathleen J. Turner professor emerita and fou, Marilyn J. Young Edited by
Jim A. Kuypers
By (author)
Barbara A. Arrighi Contributions by
Judi Addelston, Derrick Bell, Karen Blumenthal, Judith Butler, Jane Jerome Camhi, William J. Chamblis, Marc Cooper, Sally Ann Davies-Netzley, Simone de Beauvoir, G William Domhoff, Susan J. Douglas, Wright Dziech, Susan Estrich, Anne Fausto-Sterling, Lawrence Otis Graham, Billie Michelle Fine, Walda Katz-Fishman Howard University, Washington, D.C., Michael Kimmel SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies, Stony Brook U, Charles Lemert University Professor of S, Judith Lorber, Arturo Madrid, Julia Marusza, Fatema Mernissi, John Stuart Mill, Timothy Nonn, Katha Pollitt, Diane Reay University of Cambridge, Mary F. Rogers, Kathleen Rowe, Leslie Marmon Silko, Laureen Snider, Haya Stier, Deborah Tannen, Edward H. Thompson, Marta Tienda, Lois Weis State University of New York Distinguished Professor, author of Class Reuni, Stephen Worchel, Richard L. Zweigenhaft
Contributions by
Nathan J. Brown, Richard H. Dees, John Ferejohn, Rainer Forst Professor of Political Th, Anna Elisabetta Galeotti Professor of Political Ph, James L. Gibson, Russell Hardin University of Chicago, Steven Kelts, George Klosko University of Virginia, Jack Knight, Charles Kurzman, Dimitri Landa, Partap B. Mehta, Emad Shahin, Karen Stenner Edited by
Ingrid Creppell George Washington Univers, Stephen Macedo Princeton University
Contributions by
Chris Atton, Lance Bennett University of Washington, Rodney Benson New York University, James Curran, John Downing director, Global Media Re, Larry Gross, Chin-Chuan Lee, Tamar Liebes, Merlyna Lim, Sharon Ling, Michael Meadows, Christine Morris, Andrea Press, Terhi Rantanen, Clemencia Rodriguez, Keyan Tomaselli, Ruth E. Teer-Tomaselli, Elena Vartanova, Lennart Weibull, Yuezhi Zhao Author of Communication i Edited by
Nick Couldry London School of Economic, James Curran
Contributions by
Arnetha F. Ball Professor, Stanford University Graduate School of Education, Gloria Ladson-Billings former Kellner Family Distinguished Professor of Urban Education in the Dep, Patricia D. Quijada Cerecer, Thandeka K. Chapman University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Jeffrey M. R. Duncan-Andrade, Donna Y. Ford Distinguished Professor of Education and Human Ecology, Kirwan Institute Fa, Kim Fries, Melissa Gibson, Carl A. Grant Hoefs-Bascom Professor, University Wisconsin-Madison, Etta R. Hollins, Kotie Kaiser, Valerie Kinloch, David E.Kirkland, Tiffany S. Lee University of New Mexico, USA, Kathy McDonough, Erica R. Meiners, H. Richard Milner IV Cornelius Vanderbilt Chai, Sonia Nieto University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Brad Olsen, Valerie Ooka Pang Professor of Teacher Education, San Diego State University, Cynthia D. Park, Therese Quinn, Maryna Reyneke, Michelle Frazier Trotman Scott, Christine E. Sleeter California State University, Monterey Bay, Joseph R. Ubiles, Mandie Uys, Maisha T. Winn, Kenneth Zeichner Edited by
Arnetha F. Ball Professor, Stanford University Graduate School of Education, Cynthia A. Tyson