Publication date:

07 February 2014

Length of book:

234 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9780739180181

This edited volume fills a void in the literature concerning the purpose, practice, and pedagogy associated with performing rhetorical criticism. Literature regarding these issues—predominantly purpose—exists primarily as scattered journal articles and as sections within chapters of textbooks on rhetorical criticism. This book brings together 15 established rhetorical critics, each of whom offers well thought out and argued opinion pieces that stress the more personal nature of criticism. The purpose of this book is to serve as a disciplinary resource, and as a teaching and learning aid.

Accessibility across areas of expertise and experience is stressed in this book. Critics range from junior faculty to emeritus, and represent a broad spectrum of views on criticism. In this sense the book offers a snapshot of the views of a wide swath of successfully practicing, contemporary rhetorical critics.
Jim Kuypers assembled 15 top rhetorical critics to contribute to this excellent volume. . . .The audiences for criticism today are small, and scholars write in ways that further limit their potential agency. Kuypers’s edited collection, with the clarity of argument and audience present especially in a few chapters, offers a potential breakthrough.