Ultrafast Spectroscopy
By (author) Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Joel Yuen-Zhou, Jacob J Krich, Ivan Kassal, Allan S Johnson
Publication date: 05 September 2014
Ebook (VitalSource):
Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers
By (author) Willie J Padilla
Publication date: 27 February 2024
Quantum Chemistry
By (author) Ajit J Thakkar
This book is designed to help the non-specialist user of spectroscopic measurements and electronic structure computations to achieve a basic understanding of the underlying concepts of quantum chemistry. The book can be used to teach introductory quantum chemistry to second- or third-year undergraduates either as a stand-alone one-semester course or as part of a physical chemistry or materials science course. Researchers in related fields can use the book as a quick introduction or refresher.
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Publication date: 01 June 2014
Ebook (VitalSource):
Essential Semiconductor Laser Device Physics
By (author) A F J Levi
The invention of the semiconductor laser along with silica glass fiber has enabled an incredible revolution in global communication infrastructure of direct benefit to all. Development of devices and system concepts that exploit the same fundamental light-matter interaction continues. Researchers and technologists are pursuing a broad range of emerging applications, everything from automobile collision avoidance to secure quantum key distribution. This book sets out to summarize key aspects of semiconductor laser device physics and principles of laser operation.
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Publication date: 17 July 2018
Ebook (VitalSource):
The Electrostatic Accelerator
By (author) Ragnar Hellborg, Harry J Whitlow
Electrostatic accelerators have been at the forefront of modern technology since 1932, when Sir John Cockroft and Ernest Walton developed the first accelerator. Although the electrostatic accelerator field is more than 90 years old, the field and the number of accelerators is growing more rapidly than ever. This book provides an overview of the basic science and technology that underlies the electrostatic accelerator field so it can serve as a reference guide and textbook for accelerator engineers as well as students and researchers who work with electrostatic accelerators.
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Publication date: 08 March 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Quantum Chemistry, 2nd Edition
By (author) Ajit J Thakkar
This book provides non-specialists with a basic understanding of the underlying concepts of quantum chemistry. It is both a text for second- or third-year undergraduates and a reference for researchers who need a quick introduction or refresher. All chemists and many biochemists, materials scientists, engineers, and physicists routinely use spectroscopic measurements and electronic structure computations in their work. The emphasis of Quantum Chemistry on explaining ideas rather than enumerating facts or presenting procedural details makes this an excellent foundation text/reference.
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Publication date: 28 September 2017
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Ebook (VitalSource):
General Relativity: An Introduction to Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, and Cosmology
By (author) Michael J W Hall
General Relativity: An Introduction to Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, and Cosmology provides readers with a solid understanding of the underlying physical concepts of general relativity. It also shows how they may derive important applications of the theory and is a solid grounding for those wishing to pursue further study. This thorough primer is based on class-tested undergraduate lectures from Griffith University, Brisbane. It develops the basic elements of general relativity with applications to the gravitational deflection of light, GPS, black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmology.
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Publication date: 13 March 2018
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Ebook (VitalSource):
An Introduction to Planetary Nebulae
By (author) Jason J Nishiyama
In this book we will look at what planetary nebulae are, where they come from and where they go. We will discuss what mechanisms cause these beautiful markers of stellar demise as well as what causes them to form their variety of shapes. How we measure various aspects of planetary nebulae such as what they are made of will also be explored. Although we will give some aspects of planetary nebulae mathematical treatment, the main points should be accessible to people with only a limited background in mathematics.
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Publication date: 24 May 2018
Ebook (VitalSource):
Explicit Symmetry Breaking in Electrodynamic Systems and Electromagnetic Radiation
By (author) Dhiraj Sinha, Gehan A J Amaratunga
This book is an introduction to the concept of symmetries in electromagnetism and explicit symmetry breaking. It begins with a brief background to the origin of the concept of symmetry and its meaning in fields such as architecture, mathematics and physics. Despite the extensive developments of symmetry in these fields, it has yet to be applied to the context of classical electromagnetism and related engineering applications. This book unravels the beauty and excitement of this area to scientists and engineers.
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Publication date: 01 April 2016
Ebook (VitalSource):
Exploring Physics with Computer Animation and PhysGL
By (author) Tom J Bensky
This book shows how the web-based PhysGL programming environment (http://physgl.org) can be used to teach and learn elementary mechanics (physics) using simple coding exercises. The book's theme is that the lessons encountered in such a course can be used to generate physics-based animations, providing students with compelling and self-made visuals to aid their learning. Topics presented are parallel to those found in a traditional physics text, making for straightforward integration into a typical lecture-based physics course. Users will appreciate the ease at which compelling OpenGL-based graphics and animations can be produced using PhysGL, as well as its clean, simple language constructs. The author argues that coding should be a standard part of lower-division STEM courses, and provides many anecdotal experiences and observations, that include observed benefits of the coding work.
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Publication date: 01 November 2016
Ebook (VitalSource):
Essential Classical Mechanics for Device Physics
By (author) A F J Levi
Continued advances in the precision manufacturing of new structures at the nanometer scale have provided unique opportunities for device physics. This book sets out to summarize those elements of classical mechanics most applicable for scientists and engineers studying device physics. Supplementary MATLAB® materials are available for all figures generated numerically.
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Publication date: 15 September 2016
Ebook (VitalSource):
The Physical Microbe
By (author) Stephen J Hagen
Physical biology is a fusion of biology and physics. This book narrows down the scope of physical biology by focusing on the microbial cell; exploring the physical phenomena of noise, feedback, and variability that arise in the cellular information-processing circuits used by bacteria. It looks at the microbe from a physics perspective, asking how the cell optimizes its function to live within the constraints of physics. It introduces a physical and information-based (as opposed to microbiological) perspective on communication and signalling between microbes.
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Publication date: 31 October 2017
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Ebook (VitalSource):
Energy-Smart Buildings
Contributions by Inger Andresen, Mathias Bjugan, Anne A. Brajkovic, Odne S. Burheim, Tania Bracchi, Fredrik Dessen, Laurina C. Felius, Martin Gjertsen, Bjørnar Hamre, Bozena D. Hrynyszyn, Kristian M. Lien Edited by Dr Jacob J. Lamb, Bruno G. Pollet
Publication date: 02 April 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
The NASA Kepler Mission
Contributions by William Borucki, John Troeltzsch, Jessie Christiansen, Professor Stephen R Kane, Susan Mullally, David Ciardi, Calen Henderson, Andrew Vanderburg, Fergal Mullally, Rachel Street, David Summers, Henri Scars Struck, William Chaplin, J. J. Hermes, Ann Marie Cody, Elliott Horch, Rachel Matson, Steven Kawaler, Paula Szkody, George Jacoby, Csaba Kiss, Laszlo Molnar, Andras Pal, Krista Smith, Armin Rest, Peter Garnavich, Dennis Teusch, Chris Stewart, Chris D. Miller, Roger Lapthorne, Dustin S. Putnam, Kipp A. Larson, Doug Wiemer, Katelynn McCalmont-Everton, Colin Peterson Edited by Steve B. Howell
Publication date: 15 September 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
Elementary Cosmology (Second Edition)
By (author) James J Kolata
Publication date: 10 December 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
The Cosmic Evolution of Galaxy Structure
By (author) Christopher Conselice
Publication date: 29 December 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
Leadership and Challenges in Medical Physics: A Strategic and Robust Approach
By (author) Carmel J Caruana
Publication date: 30 March 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
Modern Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information
By (author) J S Faulkner
Publication date: 22 December 2021
Ebook (VitalSource):
Imaging Modalities for Biological and Preclinical Research: A Compendium, Volume 1
Contributions by Andreas Stylianou, Vasilii Gkretsi, Saevar Ingthorsson, Martin Glösmann, Ivana Vrhovac Madunic, Masa Skelin Klemen, Josip Madunic, Natalie Kah Yun Wee, Paula Sampaio, Kerem Delikoyun, Ali Aslan Demir, Engin Ozcivici, Cumhur Tekin, André Maia, Maria Gomez-Lazaro, Maša Skelin Klemen, Andraž Stožer, Jurij Dolenšek, Lidija Križani Bombek, Marko Gosak, Rainer Kaufmann, Vi Quint Duong, Julian Falckenhayn, Emmanuel Reynaud, Adam Glaser, Mónica Fernández-Monreal, Mathieu Ducros, Claire Lefort, Marco Andreana, Angelika Unterhuber, Nikita Vladimirov, Xiaodong Tao, Gabriel G Martins, Alexandre Lopes, Hugo Pereira, Nuno P Martins, Sebastian Munck, Jim Swoger, Wolfgang J Weninger, Stefan H Geyer, Diana Mechtcheriakova, Anastasia Meshcheryakova, Felicitas Mungenast, Rupert Ecker, Anoop Kavirayani, Charlotte Buckley, Stefan Wieser, Marcel Müller, Loic Reymond, Verena Ruprecht, Gerhard J Schütz, Magdalena C Schneider, Janez Strancar, Jaroslaw Jacak, Bianchini Paolo, Diaspro Alberto, Pesce Luca, George Stanciu, Denis Tranca, Stefan Stanciu, Radu Hristu, Stoichita Catalin, Anne Bonnin, Hector Dejea, Eva Perreiro, Harkiolaki Maria, Erin Tranfield, L. Lemgruber, Cristina Paulino, Thomas Heuser, Leandro Lemgruber, Rodica-Mariana Ion, Saskia Lippens, Anna Kremer, Peter Borghgraef, Ben Giepmans, Pascal de Boer, Anouk Wolters, Jeroen Kuipers, Johannes Bernardi, Malgorzata Lekka, Andreas Stylianou, Birgit Plochberger, Natalie Frese, Armin Gölzhäuser, Martin Wortmann, Sergi Padilla-Parra, Irene Carlon Andres, Iztok Urbani, B. Christoffer Lagerholm, Falk Schneider, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, Cyril Favard, Jaroslaw Jacak, Axmann Markus, David Rousseau, Etienne Belin, Ewelina Lipiec, Angelika Unterhuber, Marco Andreana, Kareem Elsayad, Michael Stöger-Pollach, Stefan Löffler, Johannes Bernardi, Christina Streli, Anna Turyanskaya, Martina Marchetti-Deschmann, Berta Cillero, Balluff Benjamin, Andrew Quong, Dongxia Lin, Izumi Hinkson, Władysław Wglarz, Ludek Sefc, Cecile Philippe, Theresa Balber Edited by Andreas Walter, Julia Mannheim, Carmel J Caruana
This compendium is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of currently available biological and preclinical imaging methods, including their benefits and limitations. Volume 1 covers ex-vivo imaging techniques.
Ebook (VitalSource):
Neutron Stars, Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
By (author) James J Kolata
Publication date: 10 April 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement
By (author) F J Duarte
Publication date: 08 October 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement (Second Edition)
By (author) F J Duarte
Publication date: 12 September 2022
Ebook (VitalSource):
Optical Radiation and Matter
By (author) Robert Brecha, Professor J Michael OHare
Publication date: 26 May 2021
Ebook (VitalSource):
Quantum Entanglement Engineering and Applications
By (author) F J Duarte, Dr Travis S. Taylor
Publication date: 26 July 2021
Ebook (VitalSource):
Quantum Chemistry (Third Edition)
By (author) Ajit J Thakkar
Publication date: 11 October 2021
Ebook (VitalSource):