Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement (Second Edition)

By (author) F J Duarte

Publication date:

12 September 2022

Length of book:

333 pages


Institute Of Physics Publishing



ISBN-13: 9780750352659

Quantum Entanglement has rapidly become a subject of great interest in academia, industry, and government research institutions. This book builds on the first edition of Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement to provide a transparent and more insightful introduction for graduate students, scientists, and engineers. It is also a highly useful education tool for those practitioners that were not aware of the physical origin of quantum entanglement: the Dirac-Wheeler-Pryce-Ward physics. The new edition includes an expansion on topics such as quantum entropy and quantum time. The book provides a direct, practical, and transparent introduction to the principles and physics of quantum entanglement. It does so whilst utilizing an interferometric approach based on Dirac-Feynman superposition probability amplitudes.

Key Features:

  • Provides an overview of quantum entanglement at a basic level
  • Explains the philosophical origin of quantum entanglement as well as the physical origin
  • Presents the key equation for the probability amplitude for QE from three perspectives while emphasizing its interferometric derivation
  • Includes applications on Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum Computing
  • Reviews the current technology of QE with an emphasis in space-to-space communications

While good wines and cheeses get better with age, good books require more human intervention. The second edition of Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement makes an excellent book into an even better one. The second edition has a similar structure to the first, with relatively short and dense but easy-to-follow chapters, most of them packed with advanced math, and all of them including multiple chapter references (many published by the book author). The second edition includes a new chapter on quantum entanglement via matrix notation, as well as many additional sections in the existing chapters. To help the reader digest the sometimes daunting math treatment, the book is illustrated with diagrams and charts (some in color, although not much benefitting from color) and mapped out around a fairly extensive index. While the first edition was already an excellent reference for those interested in quantum entanglement, the second edition could equally well be used as a textbook, because each chapter includes a set of problems.

Bogdan Hoanca, Optica, October 2023