By (author)
Fifa Rahman, Nick Crofts Preface by
Mike Trace Foreword by
Marina Mahathir Contributions by
Gary Reid, S.S. Lee, David Jacka, Joanne Csete, Kate Dolan, Ana Rodas, Geoff Monaghan, Steve James, Nicole Turner, Mohd Zaman Khan, Priya Mannava, Sasha Zegenhagen, Nick Thomson, Jimmy Dorabjee, Mohamad Firdaus Zakaria, Dean Lewis, Faisal Ibrahim, Don C. Des Jarlais, Jonathan Freelemyer, Heidi Bramson, Holly Hagan, Simon Baldwin, Nicholas Thomson, Rebecca McKetin, Jih-Heng Li, Karyn Kaplan, Pascal Tanguay, Susan Trevaskes, Marek Chawarski, Richard Schottenfeld, B. Vicknasingam, Alex Wodak, Thu Vuong, Nick Crofts, Fifa Rahman
Professor Donald Knuth, Grady Booch, Linus Torvalds, Steve Wozniak, Vint Cerf, Professor Karen Spärck Jones FBA, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Jimmy Wales, Dame Stephanie Shirley DBE FREng FBCS CEng CITP Edited by
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Contributions by
Reid Badger, Ed Berger, Thomas Brothers, Luca Cerchiari, Ralph T. Dudgeon, Peter Ecklund, Krin Gabbard, Trevor Herbert, Vic Hobson, William Lane, Jimmy Owens, Bruce Boyd Raeburn, Joel E. Rubin, David Sager Edited by
Howard T. Weiner
Contributions by
Banu Bargu, George Ciccariello-Maher Vassar College, Katherine Gordy, Vanessa Lemm, Elena Loizidou, Todd May Class of 1941 Memorial Professor of the Humanities, Clemson University, Keally McBride University of San Francis, Jacqueline Stevens Edited by
Jimmy Casas Klausen, James Martel professor of political science, San Francisco State University
Contributions by
Ghulam Haider Aasi, Asma Afsaruddin Indiana University, Osman Bakar, Steve Brown, Karim Douglas Crow, Alvin C. Dueck, Rabia Terri Harris, Riffat Hassan, David L. Johnston, Jimmy Jones, S Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana, Josh P. Morgan, Abdul Rashied Omar, Kevin Reimer, Evelyne A.Reisacher, Muhammed Shafiq, Wilbert R. Shenk, Glen Stassen, J Dudley Woodberry Edited by
Mohammed Abu-Nimer School of International Service, American University, David Augsburger
Modern American Indian life is urban, rural, and everything inbetween. This volume examines Native American experiences of urban life through song, graffiti, rap, poetry, prose and photography.
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Contributions by
Jim Wilson, Charles Lewis, B.J. Kraemer, Bret Walker, Nicholas Ziemba, David Strickler, Travis Marks, Jordan Garrett, John Morrow, Seth Chappell, Thomas Nelson, Michael Fish, Jimm Spannagel, Thomas James Root, Joe Myers, Nick Horton, Joseph Nickel, Lay Phonexayphova, Jerry Eidson, Brad Vance, Douglas Livermore, Christian Fierro, Courtney Waid, Jay Ireland, TJ Root, Chris Baldwin, Jonathan M. Elliott, Wes Knight, Jake Pendleton Edited by
Cory Wallace