Contributions by
Elena Sommers, Sofia Ahlberg Uppsala University, Marie Bouchet, Julian W. Connolly, University of Virginia, David Larmour Horn Professor of Classics, Texas Tech University, David Rampton University of Ottawa, Matthew Roth, Susan Elizabeth Sweeney Distinguished Professor of Arts and Humanities at the College of the Holy C, Lara Delage-Toriel, Olga Voronina, Alisa Zhulina Edited by
Elena Rakhimova-Sommers
Contributions by
Michael W. Apple, Jenny Bourne, Mike Cole, Ramin Farahmandpur, Ted Hankin, Dave Hill, Jane Kelly, Michael Neary, Glenn Rikowski University of Northampton, Mike Sanders, Geoff Whitty Edited by
Dave Hill, Peter McLaren Emeritus Professor, the University of California, Los Angeles, Mike Cole
Contributions by
Allan Arkush professor of Judaic Studies and History, Binghamton University, Jeremy D. Bailey professor of political sc, Fred Baumann, Alice Behnegar, Nasser Behnegar, David Biale, Mark Blitz, Henry C. Clark, Dean DiSpalatro, Robert Faulkner Boston College, Brian J. Glenn, Ryan Hanley, Jeffrey L. High, David Janssens Tilburg University, Ralph Lerner University of Chicago, Christopher Lynch, Rafael Major University of North Texas, Svetozar Minkov, Andrea Radasanu, Paul A. Rahe Hillsdale College, John T. Scott, Susan Meld Shell, Benjamin Storey, George Thomas, Friederike von Schwerin-High, Andre Wakefield Edited by
Christopher Nadon
Contributions by
Gwen Brown, Elizabeth Camille, Janis L. Edwards, Henry C. Kenski, Kate M. Kenski, Kasie M. Roberson, Beth Waggenspack, Terrence L. Warburton, Ben Voth associate professor, communication; director of speech and debate, Souther Edited by
Robert E. Denton Virginia Tech
Contributions by
Christopher A. Amato, former Deputy Chief of the Environmental Protection Bureau in the New York State Office o, Professor of Law at Emory University / Neil Brodie, archaeologist, Coordinator of the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre at the McDonald Institute for Archa, Professor of Law at the University of California's Hastings College of the Law / Paula J, Deputy General Counsel to theUnited States Sentencing Commission in Washington D.C. / Patt, Professor of Law at the DePaul Univeristy College of Law / Lynne G. Goldstein, Chair of the Department of Anthropology at Michigan State Univeristy / Sherry Hutt, cultural property consultant / Keith W. Kintigh, Professor of Anthropology at Arizona State University / William A. Lovis, Curator, Professor of Anthropology at Michigan State Univeristy / Robert H. McLaughlin, attorney / Marilyn Phelan, Professor of Law at Texas Tech University School of Law / Colin Renfrew, Professor of Archaeology, Director of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research in the University of Cam, attorney / Lynne Sebastian, Director of Historic Preservation Prog Edited by
Jennifer R. Richman, Marion P. Forsyth
Contributions by
David G. Bromley Virginia Commonwealth University, Diana Gay Cutchin, Luther P. Gerlach, John C. Green, Abigail Halcli, Eric L. Hirsch, James M. Jasper author of The Art of Moral Protest, J Craig Jenkins, Roberta Ann Johnson, Doug McAdam Stanford University, David S. Meyer, Frederick D. Miller, Suzanne Staggenborg, Emily Stoper, Verta Taylor Professor, University of California at Santa Barbara, Nancy E. Whittier Edited by
Jo Freeman, Victoria Johnson Pulitzer Prize Finalist f
Contributions by
Dianne Bergant, Mary C. Boys, Yehuda Gellman, Lenn E. Goodman D. Phil, Vanderbilt Unive, Edward Kessler, Steven J. McMichael, David Novak, Michael A. Signer, John T. Pawlikowski Edited by
Eugene B. Korn, Dr. John T. Pawlikowski Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Catholic Theological Union
Contributions by
Graham Barron, John M. Bruce, Elizabeth Adell Cook, Keith R. Eakins, Ted G. Jelen University of Nevada, Las, James G. Gimpel, Marcia L. Godwin, David R. Harding, Lael R. Keiser, Diana Lambert, Wendy L. Martinek, Samuel C. Patterson, Kenneth J. Meier, Karen O'Connor, Mark J. Rozell author; The New Politics of the Old South: An Introduction to Southern Poli, Ronald G. Shaiko, Jean Reith Schroedel, William Swinford, Marc A. Wallace, Harry L. Wilson, Robin M. Wolpert Edited by
John M. Bruce, Clyde Wilcox Georgetown University
Contributions by
Rickert Althaus, Adam Brown, Charles S. Bullock, Jason Casellas, John A. Clark, Álvaro J. Corral, Pearson Cross, Todd A. Curry, David Damore, Joshua J. Dyck, Timothy M. Hagle, Brigid Callahan Harrison, Scott H. Huffmon, Shannon Jenkins, Aubrey Jewett Associate Professor, University of Central Florida, Aubrey Jewett Associate Professor, Univ, Samantha Pettey, Kevin Pirch Eastern Washington University, Kent Redfield, Michael Romano, Ajang A. Salkhi, Mark Salling, Frederic I. Solop, Harry C. Strine, Russell C. Weaver Edited by
William J. Miller, Jeremy D. Walling