Contributions by
'Abd al-Muhsin al-Mad'aj, Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Saqqaf, Clinton Bailey, Colin Barnes, Paolo M. Costa, W. J. Donaldson, P. J. L. Frankl, John F. Healey, Alexander Knysh, Eric Macro, Suleiman Mousa, R.B. Serjeant, Yasir Suleiman, Daniel Martin Varisco Edited by
R.B. Serjeant, R.L. Bidwell, G. Rex Smith
Contributions by
Graham Barron, John M. Bruce, Elizabeth Adell Cook, Keith R. Eakins, Ted G. Jelen University of Nevada, Las, James G. Gimpel, Marcia L. Godwin, David R. Harding, Lael R. Keiser, Diana Lambert, Wendy L. Martinek, Samuel C. Patterson, Kenneth J. Meier, Karen O'Connor, Mark J. Rozell author; The New Politics of the Old South: An Introduction to Southern Poli, Ronald G. Shaiko, Jean Reith Schroedel, William Swinford, Marc A. Wallace, Harry L. Wilson, Robin M. Wolpert Edited by
John M. Bruce, Clyde Wilcox Georgetown University
By (author)
Phillip Harris, Bruce M. Smith, Joan Harris Contributions by
Larry Barber, Gerald W. Bracey, Tom O'Brien, Ken Jones, Gail Marshall, Susan Ohanian educator, activist, and a, Stanley Pogrow, W James Popham professor emeritus, Unive
Contributions by
William Sims Bainbridge, Steve Bruce, Roger Finke, Anthony J. Gill University of Washington; author of Rendering Unto Caesar, Eva M. Hamberg, Ted G. Jelen University of Nevada, Las, Daniel V. A. Olson, Thorleif Pettersson, Rodney Stark, R Stephen Warner
Contributions by
Andrew Beiter, Mary Beth Bruce, Trish Davis, Julie Doyle, Sarah Foels, S G. Grant, Joseph Karb, Michael Meyer, Megan Sampson Edited by
S. G. Grant professor and dean, Graduate School of Education, Binghamton University, Jill M. Gradwell