Contributions by
Gordon H. Bardos, Milica Z. Bookman, Maya Chadda, Kelly M. Greenhill Tufts University and MIT, Robert M. Hayden, Edward S. Herman, Alan J. Kuperman, Peter H. Liotta, Michael Mandel, Michael Mandelbaum author of The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy: Weak Power, Great Power, Lt General Satish Nambiar, Raju G.C. Thomas Edited by
Raju G. C. Thomas
Contributions by
Academic Consortium on International Trade, Dean Acheson, Action Canada Network, Alliance for Responsible Trade, Kofi Annan, Bama Athreya, Maude Barlow Council of the Canadians, Walden Bello, Patrick J. Buchanan chairman, The American Ca, Gary Burtless, John Cavanagh, Suzanne Charle, Frank Church, Citizens Trade Campaign, Terry Collingsworth, Joseph Collins, Lance Compa, Michael Conroy, Maria Lorena Cook, Coordinadora de Defensa del Agua y de la Vida, Alan Durning, Rose Benz Ericson, Forest Stewardship Council, Homero Fuentes, Jacques B. Gelinas, Steven Gorelick, Angela Hale, Pharis Harvey, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Zahara Heckscher, Hemispheric Social Alliance, Rohini Hensman, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, International Forum on Globalization, Jubilee South, Martin Khor, Francis Moore Lappe, Robert Z. Lawrence, Levi Strauss & Co, Jerome I. Levinson, Robert E. Litan, Subcomandante Marcos, Iqbal Masih, Allan H. Meltzer, Todd Merrifield, Mexican Action Network on Free Trade, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, Jeremy Rifkin, Walter Rodney, Robin Round, Scholars Against Sweatshop Labor, Robert J. Shapiro, Dennis Smith, John J. Sweeney, Wada Taw-il, Blair Underwood, United Nations General Assembly, United States of America, Mark Weisbrot Edited by
Robin Broad
Contributions by
Angus Nicholls, Edgar Landgraf, Professor Heather I. Sullivan, John P. Heins, Kelly Barry, Professor Liliane Weissberg, Paul Fleming, Raleigh Whitinger, Robin Clouser Edited by
Simon Richter
Contributions by
Andrew McRae, Philip Schwyzer, Angus Vine, Sjoerd Levelt, Todd Andrew Borlik, Prof Andrew Hadfield, Shannon Garner-Balandrin, Bernhard Klein, Daniel Cattell, Sara Trevisan Edited by
Andrew McRae, Philip Schwyzer
Contributions by
Angus Nicholls, Bernd Hamacher, Charlton Payne, Christian P. Weber, Ellis Dye, Jan Mieszkowski, Judith Ryan, Katrin Kohl, Professor Mary Helen Dupree, Mattias Pirholt, Michael Mandelartz, Myriam Richter, Volker Dorr Edited by
Daniel Purdy
Contributions by
Angus J L Winchester, Christopher Tabraham, Dauvit Broun, David Ditchburn, Fiona Edmonds, Professor Janet Burton, Keith Stringer, Philip Dixon, Piers Dixon, Richard Britnell, Richard Oram, Simon Taylor Edited by
Keith Stringer, Angus J L Winchester
Contributions by
Aida Audeh, Angus J Kennedy, Carla A. Arnell, Christopher Caldiero, Helen Young, Jennifer FitzGerald, Jonathan Godsall, Karen A Winstead, Kim Wilkins, Professor Lauryn S. Mayer, Michael Evans, Nadia Margolis, Professor Peter Burkholder, Richard Utz, Timothy Miller, Tison Pugh Edited by
Karl Fugelso