Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents preserved in the Public Record Office XXVI: 21-25 Henry VI (1442-1447)

Edited by M. L. Holford

Ebook (VitalSource) - £49.99

Publication date:

20 August 2009

Length of book:

674 pages


Boydell Press

ISBN-13: 9781846156984

IPMs...are a hugely valuable source of information for those interested in the more 'everyday' social and economic life of medieval England. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW

Inquisitions post mortem are the single most important source for the history of medieval English landed society, and are indispensable to social, economic, and political historians of the later middle ages; they were compiled with the help of jurors from the area, as a county-by-county record of a deceased individual's land-holdings and associated rights, where the individual held land directly of the crown. It is this explicit connection with land and locality - in economic, social, political, and topographical terms - that makes these documents of such comprehensive interest.
This fifth volume in the new series, which calendars the inquisitions and related documents from Henry VI's reign more fully than ever before, deals with the years between 1442 and 1447. It includes valuable information and detailed returns on the estates of the greater aristocracy - e.g. John Beaufort, duke of Somerset (d. 1444), and Humphrey, duke of Gloucester (d. 1447), alongside lesser landholders, jurors' names and full manorial extents. It also provides comprehensive indexes of persons, places, and subjects.