Publication date:
24 May 2013Length of book:
226 pagesPublisher
BCS, The Chartered Institute for ITDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9781780171678
Every information system brought into service in every type of organisation requires user acceptance testing. It is by far the most common activity carried out by non-IT specialists. This book is designed to be a hands-on manual for non-testing specialists to plan and carry out an effective acceptance test of an information system. It provides a structured and step-by-step approach to effective acceptance testing and identifies ways of making the process as simple and cost-effective as possible.
As someone who started his career in testing by being told to leave the comfort of my data processing team to UAT a new system I know how hard it is to understand what is required of UA testers as to date there has been very little written or provided to help. This book comfortably fills the void that exists to help UA testers understand their role and the many tasks they have to undertake.