Tourism Research in China

Themes and Issues

By (author) Songshan (Sam) Huang, Ganghua Chen

Publication date:

09 October 2015


Channel View Publications



ISBN-13: 9781845415471

This book provides critical in-depth reviews on key themes and issues in tourism research in China. These themes include: Chinese scholars’ epistemological views of tourism, rural tourism development, community participation in tourism, tourist market and behaviour, tourist attraction management and tour guiding and interpretation in China. While Chinese scholars are often able to access key research in both English and Chinese, the majority of researchers from outside China without knowledge of the Chinese language are unable to read original research from China. This book seeks to redress this knowledge imbalance and bring key Chinese tourism research to the international tourism academic community. This book will be a valuable reference for tourism researchers, postgraduate students and industry professionals.

Like tourism itself, tourism research and education have grown impressively in China but are rarely well understood elsewhere. This book makes available the insights of Chinese tourism scholars to an international audience through reviews of selected but important aspects of tourism research. It breaks down barriers in tourism scholarship by providing a point of entry to a rich body of knowledge that has yet to be accessed, let alone digested, by most researchers elsewhere.