Online Communication in a Second Language

Social Interaction, Language Use, and Learning Japanese

By (author) Sarah E. Pasfield-Neofitou

Publication date:

05 October 2012


Multilingual Matters



ISBN-13: 9781847698254

Online Communication in a Second Language examines the use of social computer mediated communication (CMC) with speakers of Japanese via longitudinal case studies of up to four years. Through the analysis of over 2000 blogs, emails, videos, messages, games, and websites, in addition to interviews with learners and their online contacts, the book explores language use and acquisition via contextual resources, repair, and peer feedback. The book provides insight into relationships online, and the influence of perceived 'ownership' of online spaces by specific cultural or linguistic groups. It not only increases our understanding of online interaction in a second language, but CMC in general. Based on empirical evidence, the study challenges traditional categorisations of CMC mediums, and provides important insights relating to turn-taking, code-switching, and language management online.

The book is a highly interesting and comprehensive monograph on the topic of social interaction in CMC settings, based on the particular example of learning Japanese by Australian students. The author makes a number of very important claims about participating in online domains and virtual communities, entering CMC networks and maintaining relationships, code-switching and turn-taking, as well as acquisition opportunities in CMC.