Publication date:

19 March 2018


Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing



ISBN-13: 9781786761088

Oil palm is widely cultivated in tropical countries for use in food processing, personal care products and other applications such as biodiesel. Cultivation faces a range of challenges such as its environmental impact (e.g. in deforestation and biodiversity loss) as well threats from pests and diseases. There is an urgent need to make oil palm cultivation more efficient and environmentally sustainable. This collection reviews the key research addressing this challenge.

Volume 2 reviews advances in understanding and managing fungal and other diseases affecting oil palm such as basal stem rot, vascular wilt and bud rot as well as insect pests. It also discusses the latest research on palm oil and health as well as the key issue of sustainability, including monitoring the environmental impact of cultivation, sustainability certification, conservation and supporting smallholders.

With its distinguished editor and international team of expert authors, this collection will be a standard reference for researchers, oil palm growers, palm oil processors as well as government and non-governmental agencies responsible for more sustainable oil palm cultivation. Volume 2 is accompanied by Volume 1 which covers breeding and cultivation techniques.

“This collection aims to be as comprehensive as possible in coverage, therefore should be essential reading not only for planters and researchers, but also for those involved with international agencies, governmental institutions, academia and non-profit organisations.”
M. R. Chandran, Advisor and former Vice-President, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)