Publication date:

30 April 2017

Length of book:

442 pages


Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing



ISBN-13: 9781786760609

"Overall, this new Burleigh Dodds text, Ensuring Safety and Quality in the Production of Beef, is a breath of fresh air. It covers a mountain of factors that can contribute to beef demand. It assembles a truly remarkable set of authors; scientists that have spent a career on their specific topics. This text is a “must read”!!
Meat Science

Consumer expectations of sensory and nutritional quality have never been higher. Drawing on an international range of expertise, this book reviews research in understanding and improving the quality of beef. Part 1 reviews how breeding and growth affect carcass composition. Part 2 discusses aspects of husbandry affecting meat quality such as nutrition, metabolic modifiers and handling of cattle. The book then goes on to discuss factors affecting flavor, color and tenderness, as well as grading, packaging and methods for measuring sensory quality.

Ensuring safety and quality in the production of beef Volume 2: Quality will be a standard reference for animal and food scientists in universities, government and other research centres and companies involved in beef production. It is accompanied by Volume 1 which reviews safety issues in beef production.

"Professor Dikeman appears to again have assembled an absolutely outstanding cast of experts to develop a foundational text dealing with beef quality. This text will no doubt serve as an extremely important reference to students and industry. Congratulations to Professor Dikeman and all of the authors on a marvellous effort!"
Professor Keith Belk, Colorado State University, USA

"Overall, this new Burleigh Dodds text, Ensuring Safety and Quality in the Production of Beef, is a breath of fresh air. It covers a mountain of factors that can contribute to beef demand. It assembles a truly remarkable set of authors; scientists that have spent a career on their specific topics. This text is a “must read”!!
Meat Science