Publication date:

23 April 2024

Length of book:

238 pages


Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing



ISBN-13: 9781801463829

The agricultural sector remains under increasing pressure to reduce its environmental impact and consequent contribution to climate change, whilst also producing enough food to feed a rapidly growing population. With the variety and volume of data, coupled with the advanced methods for data processing, a new era of digital agriculture is emerging as a possible solution to this monumental challenge.

Smart farms: improving data-driven decision making in agriculture provides a comprehensive review of the recent advances in gathering and analysing data as a means of improving farm sustainability, productivity and profitability. The book discusses the evolution of farm information management systems, highlighting current trends and challenges, as well as methods of data acquisition and analysis, including the use of artificial intelligence.

“Although digital agriculture is gaining momentum with the advent of smart tools and intelligent farm equipment, the application of artificial intelligence to agriculture strongly relies on the quality and quantity of data acquired from the crops. In this new book, Professor Sørensen has focused on a key point for a successful digitization of the farm; the practical execution of data-driven solutions, and to do so, he has brought together an outstanding team of recognized agricultural scientists and engineers. This collection will be valuable to agricultural researchers, industry developers, farm practitioners, students, and many other professionals committed to push the agriculture of the 21st Century into a sustainable activity.” (Francisco Rovira-Más, Professor of Digital Agriculture, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)