Living with Poverty and Dependence in England

By (author) Katherine Smith

Hardback - £80.00

Publication date:

Q3 2025


Anthem Press



ISBN-13: 9781839991783

The book is based on nearly a decade (2011–2020) of sustained ethnographic research within and across households in Harpurhey, North Manchester, England. Harpurhey is a suburban area in Manchester, located just three and a half miles northeast of the city centre. This book interrogates the everyday lives of people in Harpurhey ethnographically, placing their lives and agency at the centre of analysis.  It explores the everyday lives of people who live with poverty and are rely upon state welfare support to make ends meet. Analytically, the arguments in this book begin by making a distinction between the production of poverty as a political, economic and ideological effect of capitalist processes and state activity, and the everyday, mundane choices and behaviours of the people who manage those effects (cf. Goode and Maskovsky 2001).  Each chapter shows what may be concealed and revealed in interpersonal relationships between people living with poverty and in multiple interdependencies.