Emerging Thoughts in Disability and Humanness

By (author) Elizabeth DePoy, Stephen French Gilson

Publication date:

01 March 2022


Anthem Press



ISBN-13: 9781839980459

Emerging Thoughts in Disability and Humanness examines the role of embodied disablement in providing an important but often circumvented analysis of the explicit and implicit nature of the legitimate human body, its symbolism, and responses that such bodies elicit from diverse local through global social and cultural entities. Beyond simply theorizing, this work begins to unearth a potent and in-depth examination of membership, meaning and social valuation on the basis of embodied features that include desirables in and exclude “offending” bodies from membership in the category of human. It invokes contemporary post-postmodernist marriages of varied disciplines as frameworks for returning creative substance into rethinking disability as part of the fabric of humanness.

“DePoy and Gilson delve into what it means to be human, with constructs of disability underpinning their work. Building on earlier thinking and publications they continue probing disability, humanity, and their intersections. Readers are invited to join their journey through humanness literacy, an ‘expansive revision’ imagining of ‘all bodies.’” — Steven E. Brown, Retired Professor Disability Studies, University of Hawaii Center on Disability Studies, US; Co-Founder, Institute on Disability Culture.