Modeling Self-Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices

By (author) Dragica Vasileska

Paperback - £25.00

Publication date:

31 August 2017

Length of book:

108 pages


Morgan & Claypool Publishers



ISBN-13: 9781681748061

It is generally acknowledged that modeling and simulation are preferred alternatives to trial-and-error approaches to semiconductor fabrication in the present environment, where the cost of process runs and associated mask sets is increasing exponentially with successive technology nodes. Hence, accurate physical device simulation tools are essential to accurately predict device and circuit performance.

Accurate thermal modeling and the design of microelectronic devices and thin-film structures at the micro- and nanoscales poses a challenge to electrical engineers who are less familiar with the basic concepts and ideas in sub-continuum heat transport. This book aims to bridge that gap. Efficient heat-removal methods are necessary to increase device performance and device reliability. The authors provide readers with a combination of nanoscale experimental techniques and accurate modeling methods that must be employed in order to determine a device’s temperature profile.