Publication date:
28 July 2015Length of book:
538 pagesPublisher
Institute Of Physics PublishingDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9780750310956
Written for researchers and postgraduate students with a background in physics or applied mathematics and a desire to apply their skills to problems in the life sciences, this beautifully illustrated and stimulating book develops an understanding of the gene-to-trait problem in the context of evolutionary dynamics, from the modern perspective of integrative biology. The gene-to-trait problem resides at the heart of a great many questions in biology. The author presents both elementary and advanced material in a way that brings out how this gene-to-trait problem is treated in the contexts of bioinformatics and evolutionary dynamics. Key ideas and techniques that underlie some of the most-used bioinformatics methods are discussed in an integrative context and a wide range of examples of mathematical models of living things is developed in an evolutionary framework.
The book is written in an accessible style. and although it requires an understanding of calculus and statistical concepts, it is appropriate as an interdisciplinary bridge between mathematics, physics and biology.
Irina Ioana Mohorianu 2016 Zentralblatt MATH 1337 - 1, FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure.