Karl Polanyi

New perspectives on the place of the economy in society

Edited by Mark Harvey, Ronnie Ramlogan, Sally Randles

Paperback - £25.00

Publication date:

31 October 2014

Length of book:

304 pages


Manchester University Press



ISBN-13: 9780719073335

The work of Karl Polanyi has gained in influence in recent years to become a point of reference to a wide range of leading authors in the fields of economics, politics, sociology and social policy. Newly available in paperback, this volume is a combination of reflections on, and assessment of, the nature of Polanyi’s contribution and new strands of work, both theoretical and empirical, that has been inspired by Polanyi’s insights. It gathers together the key contributions to the first ever workshop on the work of Karl Polanyi held in the United Kingdom.

Several of the contributions develop Polanyian ideas in relation to contemporary capitalism. However, in a critical spirit, other contributions in the volume substantially transform his concept ‘instituted economic process’ in considering a broad range of contemporary socio-economic change: markets for mobile telephony, call centre operations and European labour markets.