Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics 2013

Employment, Earnings, Prices, Productivity, and Other Labor Data

Edited by Mary Meghan Ryan

Hardback - £105.00

Publication date:

19 April 2013

Length of book:

536 pages


Bernan Press

ISBN-13: 9781598886108

The Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics is recognized as an authoritative resource on the U.S. labor force. It continues and enhances the Bureau of Labor Statistics's (BLS) discontinued publication, Labor Statistics. The 16th Edition allows the user to understand recent developments as well as to compare today's economy with past history. The Handbook is a comprehensive reference providing an abundance of data on a variety of topics including: ·employment and unemployment ·earnings ·prices ·productivity ·consumer expenditures ·occupational safety and health ·union membership ·international labor comparisons ·and much more! Features of the publication In addition to over 200 tables that present practical data, the Handbook provides: ·introductory material for each chapter that contains highlights of salient data and figures that call attention to noteworthy trends in the data ·notes and definitions, which contain concise descriptions of the data sources, concepts, definitions, and methodology from which the data are derived ·references to more comprehensive reports which provide additional data and more extensive descriptions of estimation methods, sampling, and reliability measures The 16th edition includes several new features including: ·A new chapter titled Green Jobs, Technologies, and Practices. This chapter includes data on companies that use environmentally friendly practices and on establishments that produce green goods and services. ·Chapter 1 includes a section on the employment situation of veterans for the first time since the 2009 edition. In addition, more tables on employee tenure have been added. ·Tables on eldercare have been added in Chapter 12: American Time Use Survey. ·Chapter 6 includes a table on workplaces that provide “quality of life” benefits including childcare, subsidized commuting, and flexible workplaces. ·New figures on a variety of topics including the labor force, employee compensation, consumer expenditures, and international labor comparisons have been added throughout the book.
This volume presents data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in approximately 225 tables. Topics addressed include unemployment, wages and productivity, price indexes, consumer income and expenditures, occupational safety and health, “green” jobs, and more. Tables and figures are displayed in user-friendly formats, with supporting text and bulleted lists of highlights for each general heading. Although the raw statistical data is available directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, this print version is convenient and easy-to-use, and there is value added by the supporting text and general index.