The Wild Longing of the Human Heart

The Search for Happiness and Something More

By (author) William Cooney

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Publication date:

01 December 2015

Length of book:

96 pages


Hamilton Books

ISBN-13: 9780761866961

The search for happiness has been an enduring quest for us all. The greatest minds from history--Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Rousseau, Kant, Mill, Gandhi, Einstein and many others—all confirm that happiness is the one thing we all crave after. The Wild Longing of the Human Heart is divided into two parts. Part one examines the brief history of happiness which has not always meant exactly the same thing to all cultures and individuals, and then moves on to summarize the latest information from the areas of brain science as well as the field of positive psychology. Part two proposes that it is not happiness (in the psycho-physiological sense of something like tranquility) which is the true goal of human living. Rather, the true goal of the “wild longing” is a meaningful life, guided by the search for truth, beauty and goodness.
A carefully considered, clearly written exploration of what many thinkers and artists throughout history have concluded about how one might best lead a meaningful, well-balanced life. Lots of wisdom here in under 100 pages.