Contemporary Native American Cultural Issues

Edited by Duane Champagne

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Publication date:

01 January 2000

Length of book:

328 pages


AltaMira Press

ISBN-13: 9780585201269

Duane Champagne has assembled a volume of top scholarship reflecting the complexity and diversity of Native American cultural life. Introductions to each topical section provide background and integrated analyses of the issues at hand. The informative and critical studies that follow offer experiences and perspectives from a variety of Native settings. Topics include identity, gender, the powwow, mass media, health and environmental issues. This book and its companion volume, Contemporary Native American Political Issues, edited by Troy R. Johnson, are ideal teaching tools for instructors in Native American studies, ethnic studies, and anthropology, and important resources for anyone working in or with Native communities.
These two volumes (with Contemporary Native American Political Issues, ed. Johnson) succeed in conveying the complexity of Native American needs and the cultural context in which they are embedded.....