Publication date:

16 May 2009

Length of book:

418 pages


R&L Education



ISBN-13: 9781607091240

Dewey's Democracy and Education Revisited focuses on democratic schools/democratic education and the work of teacher and leader practitioners in the new millennium, taking into consideration the complex and dynamic nature of preparing leaders for changing roles in schools amidst the challenges of standards and accountability, the No Child Left Behind Act, licensure/certification issues, increasing diversity, issues of social justice, shifting demographics, and the myriad of social issues that make democratic leadership necessary. The book presents a collection of contemporary discourses that reconsider the relationship of democracy as a political ideology and American ideal (i.e., Dewey's progressivist ideas) and education as the foundation of preparing democratic citizens in America.
Jenlink takes the reader into a reflective and critical examination of Dewey's ideas on democratic education, set forth in the classic philosophy text, Democracy and Education. Each chapter draws the reader into a discussion of the salient and relevant points Dewey argued, and juxtaposes Dewey's points with the issues challenging educators today, in particular focusing on the challenge of fostering democratic education and leadership for America's schools.
In this new collection scholar-practitioner leaders from universities and schools across the United States join forces to undertake the most important work there is—'imagining and realizing a more functional democratic society' (Preface). The vistas of democratic places they invite us into are wide-ranging and pragmatically anchored in John Dewey's enduring philosophy democratic education. You will walk away from this text more critically informed and better prepared for the complex challenges that infuse our schools, classrooms, and lives.