Sacred Strategies

Transforming Synagogues from Functional to Visionary

By (author) Isa Aron, Steven M. Cohen Hebrew University, Lawrence A. Hoffman, Ari Y. Kelman

Paperback - £25.00

Publication date:

17 May 2010

Length of book:

282 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers



ISBN-13: 9781566994019

Sacred Strategies is about eight synagogues that reached out and helped people connect to Jewish life in a new way—congregations that had gone from commonplace to extraordinary. Over a period of two years, researchers Aron, Cohen, Hoffman, and Kelman interviewed 175 synagogue leaders and a selection of congregants (ranging from intensely committed to largely inactive). They found these congregations shared six traits: sacred purpose, holistic ethos, participatory culture, meaningful engagement, innovation disposition, and reflective leadership and governance. They write for synagogue leaders eager to transform their congregations, federations and foundations interested in encouraging and supporting this transformation, and researchers in congregational studies who will want to explore further.

Part 1 of this book demonstrates how these characteristics are exemplified in the four central aspects of synagogue life: worship, learning, community building, and social justice. Part 2 explores questions such as: What enabled some congregations to become visionary? What hindered others from doing so? What advice might we give to congregational, federation, and foundation leaders? The picture that emerges in this book is one of congregations that were entrepreneurial, experimental, and committed to 'something better.'
Aron, Cohen, Hoffman and Kelman map out the journey from functional, cash-for-service synagogues to compelling, purposeful, and visionary Jewish communities. It’s easy to kvetch about what’s not working in the Jewish world; this study demonstrates the transformative power of dissatisfaction when harnessed by creative and bold leaders committed to real, sustainable change.