Publication date:

25 May 2018

Length of book:

178 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9781498563086

Trump Tweets, the World Reacts: Understanding What Is Relevant and Why illustrates and articulates the intimate connection between theories presented in communication and the mediums through which President Trump communicates. Drawing on a range of theoretical and empirical perspectives, this collection examines several transformations and implications of President Trump’s influence on the social sphere, within economies, among government entities, and on the communications profession.
Donald Trump was a boundary-defying presidential candidate and continued to defy conventional norms early in his presidency. This collection of essays and studies assembled by Gina Luttrell helps us make sense of a changing political and journalistic environment in the Trump era, not only in the United States but overseas. From looking at how journalists have covered Trump to Trump's use of Twitter, this book offers vital insights and raises important questions about American politics as we know it and where we are going forward.