Publication date:

15 September 2018

Length of book:

240 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9781498560658

Transformative Student Experiences in Higher Education: Meeting the Needs of the Twenty-First-Century Student and Modern Workplace presents a thorough consideration of the role, use, and implications of transformative and active instructional strategies in higher education. It examines the changing landscape of higher education and serves as a foundational lens and framework for thinking through higher education from both an experiential and transformative instructional context. As instructors and administrators struggle with twenty-first-century challenges, this seminal text serves as a companion resource that presents innovative twenty-first-century techniques in a fair and balanced theoretical context.

Transformative Student Experiences in Higher Education: Meeting the Needs of the Twenty-First Century Student and Modern Workplace offers a fresh perspective on those strategies and approaches that are highly effective among members of Generation Z. Authors of the chapters in this collection address proven techniques and designs from active and engaged learning to transformative student learning experiences, relevant topics for all higher education scholars. Readers of this collection will find new voices and ideas that probe deeper into the emerging and critical conversation of teaching and learning for Generation Z. This collection of fourteen approachable and engaging chapters is critical for any faculty development scholar, faculty interested in honing and advancing teaching skills, and all scholars of teaching and learning.