Community-Focused Counter-Radicalization and Counter-Terrorism Projects

Experiences and Lessons Learned

By (author) Kawser Ahmed, Patrick Belanger, Susan Szmania

Hardback - £80.00

Publication date:

15 October 2018

Length of book:

132 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9781498557764

Following the launch of the global war on terror, western nations commissioned multiple community focused projects aimed at preventing terrorism and countering violent extremism. With an understanding that a comprehensive approach entails both proactive counter-radicalization measures and rehabilitation initiatives, these community-based projects typically aim to build resilience and enhance prevention capacity within specific communities. This book focuses on the perceptions and experiences of twenty-nine community-based counter-radicalization project leaders in eight western countries: the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Scotland, and France. By closely examining these efforts across multiple national contexts and in diverse communities, this book examines the challenges and opportunities of community-focused projects as identified by such projects’ leaders. At the book’s heart are interviews about community engagement and experience from the people most closely attuned to this vital work. By highlighting the importance of listening to community members, the book offers a rare chance to directly hear community members’ ideas, frustrations, and hopes.
In providing a thorough, critical analysis of twenty nine community focused projects, the authors make a valuable and significant contribution to our understanding of approaches to counter radicalization and terrorism. This analysis is particularly useful as a springboard for scholars, students undertaking future research in this area, and for policy-makers considering future initiatives.