Publication date:

26 April 2017

Length of book:

288 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9781498544481

The Impact of Social Media in Modern Romantic Relationships is the communication field’s most major, comprehensive volume of the study of social media and romantic relationship development. It is the first volume in the discipline of communication studies intended to provide an overview of romantic development that includes all types of social media, such as Tinder and Facebook. The volume contains several major communication and media scholars who have researched social media and romantic relationship development.
From personal ads to ghosting, this edited volume of empirical and review articles from communication experts throughout the U.S. provides insight into the changes in romantic communication that have occurred over the last decade, as technology has become a ubiquitous medium for social interaction. This is a great resource for any student or scholar who wants a cohesive and current overview of the ways in which technology is affecting how we communicate with romantic partners.