Learning to Love Assessment

Unraveling Complexities and Generating Solutions

By (author) Sherah Betts Carr, Anaya L. Bryson

Publication date:

12 July 2017

Length of book:

176 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers



ISBN-13: 9781475821383

Learning to Love Assessment: Unraveling Complexities and Providing Solutions provides educators and stakeholders with two very critical components of the current assessment dialogue. One is to understand the historical and legislative components and perceptions that have created the current climate of school accountability measures. The second is to deconstruct these complexities and offer concrete solutions for making classroom assessment an enjoyable, productive, and student-owned endeavor.
The bulk of this book focuses on solutions. It offers concrete techniques for educators at all levels to cultivate and implement effective classroom assessment strategies. Over 50 unique strategies for formative, student peer and self-assessment, data dialogues, technological tools, and PBL3 (problem, project and performance-based assessments) are detailed.
A special feature of the book includes access to a companion web site that contains links and handouts that coordinate with the various classroom assessment strategies. In addition, each chapter contains reflective pre and post-reading questions so the book can be effectively used to supplement professional learning or educational courses.
Carr and Bryson offer a profound break from tradition, seeing assessment in general and classroom assessment literally through new eyes. If there ever was a time when we need to explore exciting new approaches to assessment, this is that time. The good news is that it appears that both educational and political environments are open to new explorations in this domain. The authors pass through that open door in this book with a very practical treatment of classroom assessment seen clearly as the teaching and learning tool it can and must become. This must be our assessment future.