Crowd Control

Classroom Management and Effective Teaching for Chorus, Band, and Orchestra

By (author) Susan L. Haugland

Publication date:

07 February 2013

Length of book:

94 pages


R&L Education



ISBN-13: 9781475803624

Crowd Control 2nd edition is a nuts-and-bolts manual for teachers of middle and high school performance-based classes such as band, orchestra, and chorus. This practical 'how-to' guide shows teachers, pre-service or experienced, efficient ways to manage large performance-based classrooms. With wit and sage tried-and-true advice, Haugland provides a complete behavior plan as well as concrete ideas for addressing the National Standards, Common Core, assessment, advocacy, and ensemble team building, along with ways to form a professional network. Accessible and indispensable, Crowd Control will become a vital resource in every music teacher's library.

In her book Crowd Control: Classroom Management and Effective Teaching for Chorus, Band, and Orchestra, veteran music teacher Susan Haugland successfully tackles the challenging task of establishing a well-managed, organized classroom in the large-ensemble setting…. She offers a clear, systematic approach to shaping well-defined behavioral expectations, combining a detailed classroom handbook with a daily checkmark system to help set the tone for a positive classroom culture…. The author’s free-flowing, conversational narrative is reminiscent of a discussion with a colleague at the water cooler as she offers advice that is both relatable and accessible.