Publication date:
18 September 2017Length of book:
282 pagesPublisher
Rowman & Littlefield PublishersDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9781442271692
When watching the evening news you can be led to believe that most slip and fall claims are bogus and nothing more than a scam designed to fleece business owners and the insurance industry for money. But not all Plaintiffs are scam artists, and not all victims are seeking to cash in on their injury. Falls can affect each of us. The next victim could be your mother, your brother, your spouse or child…and oh yes, even you!
The truth of the matter is, each year millions of personal injury lawsuits are filed by victims of a slip, trip and fall accidents, most of which are settled out of court. However, over the past decade there has been a noticeable rise in the average settlement as well as jury verdicts. As an expert witness, Russell J. Kendzior has been retained in more than 700 slip, trip, and fall lawsuits and has now compiled over 50 of his top cases in Floored!
Rather than debate the truth behind slip, trip and fall litigation Kendzior sets the record straight and provides the reader with a behind the curtain view of the people filing these lawsuits and the companies being sued. This book is a great resource that explains what can be done to prevent the injury and thus the lawsuit through the eyes of a safety expert and stories of real-world victims.
The truth of the matter is, each year millions of personal injury lawsuits are filed by victims of a slip, trip and fall accidents, most of which are settled out of court. However, over the past decade there has been a noticeable rise in the average settlement as well as jury verdicts. As an expert witness, Russell J. Kendzior has been retained in more than 700 slip, trip, and fall lawsuits and has now compiled over 50 of his top cases in Floored!
Rather than debate the truth behind slip, trip and fall litigation Kendzior sets the record straight and provides the reader with a behind the curtain view of the people filing these lawsuits and the companies being sued. This book is a great resource that explains what can be done to prevent the injury and thus the lawsuit through the eyes of a safety expert and stories of real-world victims.
Enter the herculean energies of Russell Kendzior to speak prevention and mitigation to this indifference and sometimes outright opposition to change for safety and the economic costs thereby avoided as well. He links knowledge to action to diffusion and is the guiding force behind pertinent safety standards.