Ottemiller's Index to Plays in Collections

An Author and Title Index to Plays Appearing in Collections Published since 1900

By (author) Denise L. Montgomery

Hardback - £185.00

Publication date:

11 August 2011

Length of book:

832 pages


Scarecrow Press



ISBN-13: 9780810877207

The standard location tool for full-length plays published in collections and anthologies in England and the United States since the beginning of the 20th century, Ottemiller's Index to Plays in Collections has undergone seven previous editions, the latest in 1988, covering 1900 through 1985. In this new edition, Denise Montgomery has expanded the volume to include collections published in the entire English-speaking world through 2000 and beyond. This new volume lists more than 3,500 new plays and 2,000 new authors, as well as birth and/or death information for hundreds of authors. Representing the largest expansion between editions, this updated volume is a valuable resource for libraries worldwide.
This comprehensive catalog facilitates rapid location of plays appearing in English in both textbooks and anthologies published between 1900 and 2000. Included are multivolume sets from series that began in the 20th century but were completed after 2000. In addition to correcting errors from previous editions, Montgomery (library science, Valdosta State Univ.; Yale Book of Quotations), who revived the guide after a 20-year interval, has nearly doubled the number of playwrights included and expanded the scope to consider 744 collections. Her experience as an interlibrary loan librarian has permitted her location of English publications in 103 countries, thus adding another 3,593 new plays to the previous edition’s 6,548. Essential for English literature collections.