Jazz Books in the 1990s

An Annotated Bibliography

By (author) Janice Leslie Hochstat Greenberg

Paperback - £59.00

Publication date:

18 March 2010

Length of book:

230 pages


Scarecrow Press

ISBN-13: 9780810869851

Jazz Books in the 1990s: An Annotated Bibliography contains over 700 entries covering adult non-fiction books on jazz published from 1990 through 1999. International in scope, the books included range from such places as Finland, Slovakia, Australia, Japan, India, and South Africa, as well as Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Entries are organized by category, including biographies, history, individual instruments, essays and criticism, musicology, regional studies, discographies, and reference works.

Greenberg has amassed an impressive collection of entries with each entry including the author, title, publisher, year, and number of pages, and also indicating when a book contains a bibliography, discography, footnotes, musical transcriptions, illustrations, photographs, or any other additional material. The discography entries also note whether books contain unissued material or reissues. Three indexes—by title, author, and subject—make this a valuable and comprehensive reference guide for researchers, students, and jazz aficionados alike.
You might not think there were so many books devoted to jazz, but this bibliography lists 700 adult nonfiction books published on the topic in just a single decade. It was prompted by a visit the author paid to the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University, where she discovered that 'no comprehensive, reasonably current jazz bibliography existed.' Why the focus on the 1990s? Because it seemed like a good place to start. The bibliography is organized by type of publication (biographies, discographies, etc.), and entries are annotated. Subject, author, and title indexes facilitate access.