Publication date:

01 July 1999

Length of book:

360 pages

ISBN-13: 9780810836129

The world of contemporary American infants and young children is saturated with inappropriate images of American Indians. American Indian Stereotypes in the World of Children reveals and discusses these images and cultural stereotypes through writings like Kathy Kerner's previously unpublished essay on Thanksgiving and an essay by Dr. Cornell Pewewardy on Disney's Pocahontas film.
The second edition of American Indian Stereotypes in the World of Children: A Reader and Bibliography is an outstanding reference work designed to shock adults into understanding that the People of the sovereign Native nations in the United States and Canada are not objects or subhuman. The wedding of writings from the first edition coupled with insightful essays and materials in the second makes the book a critically important reference work which should be an integral part of every classroom from kindergarten through graduate school.--Lee Francis (Laguna Pueblo), Ph.D., National Director, Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers & Storytellers; Director, Native American Studies, University of New M