Hardback - £88.00

Publication date:

25 November 2011

Length of book:

176 pages


Jason Aronson, Inc.



ISBN-13: 9780765708328

The Mother and Her Child: Clinical Aspects of Attachment, Separation, and Loss, edited by Salman Akhtar, focuses upon the formation of an individual's self in the crucible of the early mother-child relationship. Bringing together contributions from distinguished psychoanalysts and child observational researchers, it elucidates the nuances of mothering, the child's tie to the mother, the mysteries of secure attachment, and the hazards of insecure attachment. These experts also discuss issues of separation, loss, and alternate sources of love when the mother is absent or emotionally unavailable, while highlighting the relevance of such ideas to the treatment of children and adults.
Only here can one find such an excellent updated and integrated theory of attachment, separation, individuation, and self psychology. The Mother and Her Child treats the reader to the latest findings from infant research with the welcome addition of observational data, analyses of videotaped sessions with mothers and their infants and with analysts with their child analysands. All of this is accomplished with an appreciation of the dance between the participants. The developmental tasks of the nurturer as well as those of the child are appreciated. Excellent contributions on loss, trauma, and their aftereffects expand our understanding of attachment and resilience. The seasoned clinician as well as the novice will find much to explore in this very thoughtful and comprehensive integration of the latest advances in psychoanalytic research, theory, and technique.