Why School Anti-Bullying Programs Don't Work

By (author) Stuart W. Twemlow MD, Baylor College of Med, Frank C. Sacco

Hardback - £51.00

Publication date:

15 August 2008

Length of book:

178 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers



ISBN-13: 9780765704757

This book serves as a guide for readers interested in improving school climate. Using 15 years of consultation and research in a variety of United States and foreign schools, the authors strip down the elements needed to create a healthy and productive school climate. The book challenges many commonly held notions about violence prevention and outlines a simple and inexpensive formula for creating sustained change in any school. The book stresses understanding of the underlying processes involved in the bully-victim-bystander power dynamics, the value of altruism, and the use of natural leaders to begin and sustain change in a school climate.

A note on the book's cover: Positive vibrations is taken from a Bob Marley song: "Rastaman vibration positive, you can't live that negative way." The song rallies people to be positive and strong, and to speak honestly and stand up for their rights, while taking care of themselves. Although jamaican in origin, it has universal application to be a gentle warrior in one's personal life for the good of self and others.
This is an important book. Building on years of K-12 school-based research and school improvement efforts, the authors describe a framework and a series of linked goals that are both wise and practical. In fact, Twemlow and Sacco were two of the first people in America to focus on the critical role that bystanders play in bully-victim behavior . If you truly care about promoting safe, caring and responsible schools, read this book.