Darwin's Legacy

Scenarios in Human Evolution

By (author) Sue Taylor Parker, Karin Enstam Jaffe

Publication date:

13 June 2008

Length of book:

262 pages


AltaMira Press



ISBN-13: 9780759103153

DarwinOs Legacy: Scenarios in Human Evolution compares ideas about human evolution Darwin published in The Descent of Man in 1891 to 30 scenarios about the evolution of such unique human characteristics as bipedalism, hairless skin, secondary sex characters, language and culture that anthropologists and psychologists published between 1950 and 2006. It evaluates ideas about hunting and scavenging, aimed throwing, primitive warfare, aquatic life, courtship, and sign language in light of modern data on genetics, stone tools, fossils, and primate behavior. Parallels between DarwinOs ideas and those of modern researchers are striking.
Sue Taylor Parker and Karin Enstam Jaffe have given us a lively and illuminating history of how scholars have interpreted the many 'no-longer-missing links' that have been discovered since Darwin's day. A contentious dialogue of competing views on the origins of language, bipedalism, sociality, cognition, and culture, Darwin's Legacy provides a much-needed overview of what we think we know about how we got here.