Publication date:

12 March 2004

Length of book:

248 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers



ISBN-13: 9780742529502

Internal conflict continues to be the most common form of organized violence, most often occurring in a so-called "arc of instability" comprised of Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. The misery and death caused by these conflicts, with helpless civilians often victims, has resulted in states and coalitions of states intervening militarily to stop the bloodshed, giving rise to many difficult issues. When should states perform military intervention? How should it be conducted? Is intervention a tactic that can be executed exclusive of other considerations or must it be part of a wider strategy? What makes it a success? And when can occupying troops return home?

Military Intervention: Cases in Context for the Twenty-First Century strives to answer these and other questions by comparing and contrasting both the theory and practice of military intervention. It thoroughly reviews the literature and derives a set of guidelines for initiating, conducting, and terminating this complex undertaking. It then evaluates the validity of these guidelines by analyzing the recent cases of Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Haiti, Cambodia, East Timor, and Sierra Leone. The volume concludes with lessons on the why, when, and how of conducting a military intervention and offers recommendations for Afghanistan and Iraq.
This volume examines not only a number of recent military interventions but the backdrop against which they proved to be either undertaken too late to do the good they could have achieved earlier, or too timid to impact lastingly prospects for positive state-building. This distinguished set of authors presents policy-oriented conclusions highly relevant to debates about preemption, the humanitarian imperative and nation-building that future military and civilian planners would be wise to study and heed.