Global Media Governance

A Beginner's Guide

By (author) Seán Ó Siochrú, Bruce Girard, Amy Mahan

Paperback - £35.00

Publication date:

01 May 2002

Length of book:

208 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers



ISBN-13: 9780742515666

This book is a primer on media governance at a global level and the key influencing forces and organizations, such as ITU, WTO, UNESCO, WIPO, and ICANN. Governance oversees regulation, and questions addressed here include: Why do we regulate the various media at all? What currently are the major forms of global regulation, and how do they work? Who participates in, and who benefits from, media regulatory and governance structures? And what are the trends? Anyone interested in the media and its progressively rising influence over so many dimensions of society will sooner or later find themselves confronted with these questions. This book does not pretend to answer all the questions, but it raises key ones and points in directions where more complete answers can be found. Published in cooperation with UNRISD.
Global Media Governance is presented as 'a beginner's guide,' and the text is indeed written in very accessible language. However, the book is much more than a textbook for 'dummies.' It is the essential guide for all who wish to understand which actors shape the future of global communication and how they do it. Urgently needed, very timely, and well documented, this book provides excellent material for students, policy makers, and practitioners in the emerging information society. . . a pleasure to use in courses on global communication.