Publication date:

31 March 2005

Length of book:

336 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers



ISBN-13: 9780742514805

White on White/Black on Black is a unique contribution to the philosophy of race. The book explores how fourteen philosophers, seven white and seven black, philosophically understand the dynamics of the process of racialization. Combined, the contributions demonstrate different and similar conceptual trajectories of raced identities that emerge from within and across the racial divide. Each of the fourteen philosophers, who share a textual space of exploration, name blackness/whiteness, revealing significant political, cultural, and existential aspects of what it means to be black/white. Through the power of naming and theorizing whiteness and blackness, White on White/Black on Black dares to bring clarity and complexity to our understanding of race identity.
Yancy’s anthology, with its collection of philosophers of race, makes flesh of the oft-challenged pairing of race and philosophy—sinuous tissues of identity, autobiography, history, and ideology.