Publication date:

03 June 2002

Length of book:

784 pages

ISBN-13: 9780742513105

A Grammar of Christian Faith is a two-volume set that aims to confront the widespread disarray in the language and practices of Christian faith today. As a 'grammar,' it explains how Christian faith provides special ways of speaking and acting that make sense of human life by giving it meaning, practicality, and hope.
I believe that A Grammar of Christian Faith is destined, along with the work of Jenson and McClendon, to be the book that signals the recovery of the Christian voice in modernity. Deeply schooled by Wittgenstein, the Church Fathers, Barth, and Yoder, Jones' presentation of Christian convictions is as elegant as it is profound. Anyone committed to serious theological reflection must read this book.--Stanley Hauerwas, professor of theological ethics at the Divinity School of Duke University