Hardback - £102.00

Publication date:

04 June 2014

Length of book:

254 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9780739185179

This diverse and unique collection of essays examines a wide range of communication elements and themes in the context of the 2012 election. Topics include the early campaign and Romney’s nomination battle, candidate image, the rhetoric and campaigning of Michelle Obama and Ann Romney, issues of race, persuasive appeals to voters, the use of music and social media, and Obama’s second inaugural address. Studies of Communication in the 2012 Presidential Campaign aims not only to expand the contributions and understandings of the various roles of communication in the 2012 presidential election, but also to cultivate a more active, democratic citizenry.
The scholars contributing to Studies of Communication in the 2012 Presidential Campaign thoroughly examine each topic, providing the reader with solid history, context, and analysis. Indeed, nontraditional topics, such as campaigning and advising by first ladies, political profiteering, and the skillful treatment of race in the 2012 Obama campaign, all entice the reader to delve deeper into the text. Thus, this must-read text is insightful and challenges all readers to consider carefully the impact of communication in political campaigns.