Moroccan Immigrant Women in Spain

Honor and Marriage

By (author) T. Thao Pham

Publication date:

05 December 2013

Length of book:

192 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9780739183915

Immigrant Moroccan Women in Spain: Honor and Marriage provides an ethnographic study of Moroccan Muslim immigrant women in Spain that captures the predicaments and strategies used in their adaptation to Spanish society. Moroccan immigrant women’s social and emotional connections to honor and duty affect familial relations, identity, and the sense of belonging. Although the women have kept transnational ties to friends and families Morocco, the establishment of new relationships and networks presents them with information, ideas, and opportunities that result in a complex process of altering their imported ideas and practices. This book also reveals and explores the geopolitical tension that affects these women’s interactions and negotiations with various Spanish institutions and how the representations of Islam affect the Spanish reception and treatment of Moroccans. Working as domestic workers and agricultural laborers in Spain, Moroccan immigrant women illuminate the problems associated with gender, labor, modernity, and globalization.
A sophisticated ethnography of female Moroccan migrants in Spain in which the concept of honor (once the defining attribute of Mediterranean study) is impressively rekindled to probe and frame the sociocultural changes and accommodations necessitated by transnational marriage. In these respects and more, Pham’s book is a most welcome contribution to anthropology and its emerging study of social institutions under cross-cultural pressure in transnational space and time.