Publication date:

28 August 2013

Length of book:

306 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9780739175927

The 2012 Republican nomination process went on longer than most pundits predicted early on. While Mitt Romney began the season as the prohibitive favorite, he was tested repeatedly by what was seemingly the Republican flavor of the week (including Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum). The sheer number of candidates who were viewed as legitimate contenders demonstrate the fundamental concern facing Republicans moving forward: a fractured party. The pro-business, Tea Party, and evangelical Christian wings disagreed in 2010 on who would provide the best alternative to Democratic President Barack Obama and as a result created a crippling nomination period. By the time Romney was able to claim victory, he was severely wounded after countless attacks from his fellow Republicans. To this internal discontent, we can also add the changing national demographics that could lead to electoral problems for Republicans in their own right. Consider that Mitt Romney did better with older, white male voters than John McCain had. Unfortunately, the share of the national vote for this demographic decreased from 2008 to 2012. As Rand Paul stated recently, the time has come for Republicans to reach out to individuals who do not fit the stereotyped Republican image if they have any hope of being successful. In this volume, we assess how the 2012 GOP nomination cycle is indicative of just how the Republican Party has become, in the words of pundit Cuck Warren, a “Mad Men Party in a Modern Family World.”

The 2012 presidential election was decisive for the Republican Party. Facing a potentially beatable president, a strong Republican candidate who could have united the party and appealed to swing voters had a real chance of beating Barack Obama. Yet the Republicans failed, and the prospects for the future of the party look equally dim in 2016. Explaining why the Republican Party faces a fractious future is the subject of this terrific collection of essays. Chapter 1 sets the context of the book, describing the political factions within the party and suggesting that the battle among the Tea Party, social conservatives, and the fiscal moderates challenges the Republicans to find a candidate upon whom they agree. Chapter 2 discusses how changes in party nomination rules affected the 2012 primary, with chapter 3 detailing how Republicans were dissatisfied with their current crop of candidates and longing for someone new. The bulk of the book consists of chapter-by-chapter analysis of the various Republican candidates, with a conclusion painting a party torn apart by fringe candidates with little prospect of unity in sight. Excellent for collections on US politics. Summing Up: Highly recommended. All readership levels.