The Christian Path in a Pluralistic World and the Study of Spirituality

By (author) Diana L. Villegas

Hardback - £88.00

Publication date:

04 November 2011

Length of book:

130 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9780739168127

Based on exploration of boundaries between spirituality and religion, this book argues that theological study of spirituality is important for interpretation of the Christian path in a pluralistic world. As a text for graduate study in spirituality and ministry, it explores relevant sociological studies, post modern culture, contemporary study of Christian spirituality, and a brief history of the relationship between theology and spirituality. The book argues that the revelation and tradition of Christianity understood and interpreted in the light of contemporary culture make a difference to postmodern persons’ quests for spirituality. What one believes and how one understands that belief influences the manner in which the Christian path is lived in a pluralistic, global world. The book discusses the role of religion in culture and the relevance of this for the identity of religious spirituality and the study of Christian spirituality.
This book squarely addresses a key issue for Christian spirituality (both academic and pastoral) in the U.S. today, namely: How is it possible to maintain authentic “Christian identity” in a highly pluralistic spiritual marketplace where most people have become somewhat eclectic in their beliefs and practices?