Presidential Transitions

By (author) Unknown, Unknown, Unknown Foreword by Unknown Contributions by Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Publication date:

30 November 2007

Length of book:

224 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

ISBN-13: 9780275994082

A presidential transition has a major impact on the life of an institution. Hundreds of presidential transitions take place annually, and when they are not amicable and carefully orchestrated, they can scar both the institution and the president. Sanaghan, Goldstein, and Gaval estimate that more than one-third of the presidential transitions in higher education are involuntary and have a negative effect on the institution. This book is designed to provide assistance to presidents, trustees, faculty, and other important stakeholder groups and help them avoid the pitfalls of poorly managed transitions. The authors discuss how, with proper planning, care, and execution, this presidential passage can be an opportunity for a transitioning president, and those who surround him or her, to write a positive chapter in the campus history. Readers will discover that appropriately addressing the anxiety that accompanies major transitions_for both those joining the institution and those already present_is essential. Dozens of presidents, chancellors, board members, and other senior executives were interviewed for this book. Each major chapter includes selected personal observations, from these interviews, which illustrate the critical issues addressed in the book.
In Sanaghan, Goldstein, and Gaval's new book, Presidential Transitions, three experienced practitioners in the field of higher education provide us with a carefully crafted, superbly grounded, and eminently practical strategic guide to presidential success in today's challenging environment. They offer a comprehensive, thoughtfully analytical, and wonderfully engaging 'handbook for success' for those involved in, supportive of, or somehow aligned with the work of the contemporary college and university presidency. While highlighting the on-going dynamic of a presidential experience—truly, it's not the position; it is the transition—the authors provide prescient guidance. Presidential Transitions is an excellent and important book, and a must-read for presidents, aspiring presidents, board members, senior institutional leaders, and students of higher education desiring to understand the challenges and possibilities of presidential leadership in the twenty-first Century.