Publication date:

08 April 2005

Length of book:

312 pages


Jason Aronson, Inc.

ISBN-13: 9780765703392

Adolescents are often resistant, hostile, moody, and difficult, but they can also be fascinating, creative, spontaneous, and passionate. How do mental health professionals get past the facade? Play Therapy with Adolescents is the first book to offer a complete variety of play therapy approaches specifically geared toward adolescents. The chapters, written by experts in the field, offer readers entry into the world of adolescents, showing how to make connections and alliances.
Beginning, intermediate, and advanced practitioners will find Play Therapy with Adolescents of interest. The chapters are written by some of the leading therapists in the field. The book is well written and provides thorough explanations of how to carry out different types of therapy with varying populations. The editors have clearly chosen chapters that cover the full spectrum of play therapy techniques that may be applicable for use with the adolescent population. The majority of chapters have research, theory, and case illustration components which make for easy reading and comprehensive learning. Recommended for all levels of social work practitioners looking to increase their repertoire of therapeutic techniques with adolescents.