Italian Prisoners of War in Pennsylvania

Allies on the Home Front, 19441945

By (author) Flavio G. Conti, Alan R. Perry

Not available to order

Publication date:

19 October 2016

Length of book:

312 pages


Fairleigh Dickinson University Press

ISBN-13: 9781611479980

During World War II 51,000 Italian prisoners of war were detained in the United States. When Italy signed an armistice with the Allies in September 1943, most of these soldiers agreed to swear allegiance to the United States and to collaborate in the fight against Germany. At the Letterkenny Army Depot, located near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, more than 1,200 Italian soldiers were detained as co-operators. They arrived in May 1944 to form the 321st Italian Quartermaster Battalion and remained until October 1945.

As detainees, the soldiers helped to order, stock, repair, and ship military goods, munitions and equipment to the Pacific and European Theaters of war. Through such labor, they lent their collective energy to the massive home front endeavor to defeat the Axis Powers. The prisoners also helped to construct the depot itself, building roads, sidewalks, and fences, along with individual buildings such as an assembly hall, amphitheater, swimming pool, and a chapel and bell tower. The latter of these two constructions still exist, and together with the assembly hall, bear eloquent testimony to the Italian POW experience. For their work the Italian co-operators received a very modest, regular salary, and they experienced more freedom than regular POWs. In their spare time, they often had liberty to leave the post in groups that American soldiers chaperoned. Additionally, they frequently received or visited large entourages of Italian Americans from the Mid-Atlantic region who were eager to comfort their erstwhile countrymen.

The story of these Italian soldiers detained at Letterkenny has never before been told. Now, however, oral histories from surviving POWs, memoirs generously donated by family members of ex-prisoners, and the rich information newly available from archival material in Italy, aided by material found in the U.S., have made it possible to reconstruct this experience in full.
All of this historical documentation has also allowed the authors to tell fascinating individual stories from the moment when many POWs were captured to their return to Italy and beyond. More than seventy years since the end of World War II, family members of ex-POWs in both the United States and Italy still enjoy the positive legacy of this encounter. serves as a memorial for several Italian POWs, all members of the Italian Service Unit 321st Quartermaster Battalion assigned to the Letterkenny Depot in central Pennsylvania during and after WW II. Based primarily on interviews, letters, testimonials, some background texts, and newspaper accounts from the region, it outlines life for those Italian soldiers, captured mainly in North Africa by British and US forces, who then volunteered for the Italian Service Units after Italy changed sides in September 1943. Aside from simple homesickness, the Italians had a good war. They earned money doing war work for the Americans, whereas German POWs worked in agriculture. Protected and supported by the Catholic Church and many Italian American families, many of these men remember their captivity as an introduction to friendship, democracy, and, in many cases, family. The authors point out that Letterkenny was an extraordinary POW experience, with great food and no escapes. That all the Italian POWs returned home pays homage to the US creation of the Italian Service Units. A local history, the book is a remembrance and a contribution to the historical record. Summing Up: Optional. Graduate students, faculty, specialists.