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Publication date:

11 March 2005

Length of book:

336 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

ISBN-13: 9781461643456

South Asia in World Politics offers a comprehensive introduction to the politics and international relations of South Asia, a key area encompassing the states of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. While U.S. interest has long been sporadic and reactive, 9/11 alerted Washington that paying only fitful attention to one of the world's most volatile and populous regions was a recipe for everyday instability, repeated international crises, major and minor wars, and conditions so chronically unsettled that they continue to provide a fertile breeding ground for transnational Islamic terrorism. Exploring the many facets of this dynamic region, the book also assesses U.S. policy toward Afghanistan and explains the importance of Bangladesh and Pakistan, two of only a handful of Islamic states with significant track records as democracies.
South Asia's new relevance to the twin scourges of nuclear proliferation and terrorism are comprehensively addressed in this remarkable new text, but so are the region's positive features: the expansion of democracy, the management of incredible ethnic diversity, and the rapid economic growth of its most important state, India. This volume will be of enormous value to students and academics seeking an introduction to this hitherto ignored region—senior policymakers would benefit as well from the wisdom to be found in these pages.